gut health hacks

9 Gut Health Hacks You Need to be Using Now

A few months ago I came across a video on YouTube which completely changed my view on how we eat as a society. This video was an interview with Dr. Tim Spector on the Diary of a CEO podcast. The interview was an in-depth talk about our gut health and how we should be using certain gut health hacks to strengthen the microbiome in our gut, as it can have an impact on the rest of our health.

I knew that our gut was related to our health, but not to the extent of what was being talked about in this episode. I was completely hooked and fascinated. I needed to explore this more.

I plundered the internet for articles and various other content sources that would give me a better insight into these gut health hacks. After all, if I could keep my gut healthy then I increased my chances of getting less sick, feeling healthier, and increasing my overall mood.

After doing some digging, it turns out your digestive system is involved in so many of the body’s systems, which means looking after your gut isn’t just important—it’s essential!


It really is true when people say ‘You are what you eat’.

I’m glad to say that I am now fully immersed in this healthy gut lifestyle and after doing quite a bit of reading and researching I’ve managed to come up with 9 gut health hacks that you need to be implementing right away!

A few easy adjustments could mean a world of difference when it comes to improving both the quality and quantity of life!

Keep reading for 9 gut health hacks that you can start using right now. 

1. Avoid Processed Foods and Saturated Fats

Eating processed foods and saturated fats can have some serious negative impacts on your gut health. Not only can these two dietary choices increase your risk of developing gastrointestinal issues such as Crohn’s disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, they can also prevent the good bacteria in your gut from flourishing. Without adequate amounts of beneficial bacteria, problems like chronic fatigue, poor digestion, joint aches and skin conditions can occur.

That being said, avoiding processed foods and saturated fats are two important steps you should take if you’re striving to maintain a strong level of gut health. When it comes to meals, try to stick with natural alternatives that are high in fibre to encourage healthy bacteria growth. In addition, it is suggested that ingesting probiotics in supplement form regularly may also aid in restoring the balance of bacteria in the intestine back to perfect robustness for optimal wellbeing.

gut health hacks

2. Increase Your Intake of Probiotic Rich Foods

Eating probiotic-rich foods is one of the simplest gut health hacks available to us. From kefir and kombucha to yogurt and sauerkraut, consuming probiotics can help restore gut bacteria balance, resulting in a healthier gut microbiome. If you’re not already incorporating these gut-supporting superfoods into your diet, it’s important to start thinking about doing so.

Not only do probiotics have a positive effect on gut health, but evidence has also suggested that they can support immune function and even deliver promising benefits for skin health too! All things considered, make sure to increase your intake of probiotic rich foods for a healthier gut.

3. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water is one of the easiest gut health hacks out there! The gut microbiome is full of microorganisms that need a stable environment in order to thrive- and that means staying properly hydrated. Water is used by the gut bacteria to aid in digestion, metabolise food, and fight off imbalances in both your gut microbes and overall bodily functions.

Staying hydrated also helps keep stomach acid levels in check; too much can cause an imbalance in gut flora, leading to digestive issues like bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. And if that wasn’t enough reason to guzzle your recommended daily amount of water? It also helps flush away unwanted toxins from the gut, improving your gut microbiome’s performance even further. 

gut health hacks

4. Eat More Fibrous Foods

Improving gut health starts with what you put into your system. If you’re looking for gut health hacks, try eating more fibrous foods! Fibrous foods help in digestion, reduce inflammation and boost gut bacteria levels. Not to mention they can help keep you fuller longer, which is great if you’re trying to lose weight. Eating things like apples, broccoli and oats is what your gut needs, as they are jam-packed with fibre. This is a simple way to get a healthier gut without giving up any delicious food. 

5. Take a Quality Probiotic Supplement

If you’re looking for one of the more convenient gut health hacks, taking a quality probiotic supplement is a must! Probiotics are found in certain foods and supplements and help your gut stay healthy by keeping down the population of bad bacteria. Additionally, good probiotics may also trigger the production of helpful gut hormones that reduce inflammation in your gut.

By supplementing with a high-quality probiotic product, you can enhance the balance between beneficial bacteria which are helpful to digestion, while lowering levels of those that produce harmful enzymes and toxins. Taking a daily probiotic can support gut health and make it easier for gut cells to absorb nutrients from food. Plus, regular supplementation with probiotics has been shown to help maintain a strong immune system as well as improve mood. So if gut health is a priority for you, incorporating regular use of probiotics into your routine is an excellent way to do it!

6. Eat the Rainbow

Want to give your gut health a boost? Eating the rainbow can be one of the easiest gut health hacks out there. By adding in a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables you’re giving your gut essential vitamins and minerals, as well as dietary fiber which is necessary for gut health. And it doesn’t have to be boring either – you can try out new recipes, add veggies to your smoothies, or use whatever is in season to mix up your meals. Eating the rainbow will give you the fuel you need to get through the day while keeping your gut healthy!

gut health hacks

7. Eat Fermented Foods

Eating fermented foods is one of the most accessible gut health hacks out there. While it may sound intimidating, you’d be surprised how simple incorporating gut-friendly eats like tempeh, kombucha, and sauerkraut into your diet can be. Fermented foods contain a variety of gut-healthy vitamins and probiotics, as well as essential antioxidants and enzymes.

They can help improve digestive function and support gut health by regulating bowel movements, breaking down food more efficiently, boosting nutrient absorption, and promoting an overall healthy gut bacteria balance. Not to mention they can also reduce inflammation levels and the risk of developing certain gut-related illnesses such as heartburn and ulcers.

8. Give Mindfulness a Go

Mindfulness is a powerful gut health hack, and many people are now turning to it for actionable solutions. Research shows that mindfulness techniques can reduce gut-related issues such as bloating, IBS, and leaky gut. It engages the parasympathetic nervous system – the one responsible for rest, relaxation and digestion – which helps keep gut disturbances and inflammation away.

Mindfulness has also been linked to improved concentration and better moods; it helps us look at stress factors from different angles so we can create a more relaxed environment within our gut. So if you’re looking for ways to keep your gut running like a well-oiled machine, give mindfulness a go!

9. Allow Your Gut to Rest

Intermittent fasting can work wonders for gut health, and is in fact one of the main gut health hacks you should have in your health toolkit. By taking regular breaks from food and allowing our gut the time it needs to rest and recover, intermittent fasting helps us keep our gut microbiome in balance which may reduce signs of bloat, gut irritation, and constipation.

Plus, intermittent fasting offers many additional benefits like improved sleep quality, better cognitive performance, reduced inflammation, and even a more regulated appetite- both of which can go a long way in helping keep your gut happy and healthy!

gut health hacks

Time to Implement Your New Gut Health Hacks

Overall, gut health is extremely important for both physical and mental well-being, so ensure that you’re taking the proper steps to remain in optimal condition. From drinking more probiotics daily to engaging in regular physical activity, there are a variety of small lifestyle changes you can make to guarantee your digestive system is running at its peak. By incorporating these simple gut health hacks into your routine, you will experience increased energy levels and improved immune system functionality. In summation, when it comes to your gut, small yet consistent effort will be rewarded with big returns in the long term.

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