How To Find Like Minded People – 11 Methods

So you want to know how to find like minded people?

Finding like minded people can be tough, especially if you don’t know where to look. But don’t worry, because I’m here to help! In this post, I’ll share some of my favourite tips for finding people with similar interests. So whether you’re looking for a new group of friends or just want to connect with people who share your passions, keep reading!

Benefits of Finding like minded people

It can be difficult to find people who share your interests and values, but it’s worth the effort to do so. When you find like minded people, you’ll enjoy many benefits. Firstly, you’ll have friends who understand you on a deep level and make you feel accepted.

You’ll also have people to talk to about your interests, and whom you can learn from. Additionally, you may be able to participate in activities with your new friends that you wouldn’t be able to do on your own.

Finally, having a supportive social network can help you weather tough times. 

Don’t give up if you don’t find your tribe right away, things like this take time.  And they are worth it once you find people who share your interests also.

Now let’s look at 11 methods which you can utilise today to help you network with like minded people.

1. Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are an incredible way to meet like minded people. On average 1.62 BILLION people visit Facebook each and every day. Facebook is now considered one of the OG’s of the social media platforms and that’s because of its user-friendly interface and outstanding means of communication available to users. 

In October 2010 Facebook launched Facebook Groups. Groups allowed users to congregate on a shared Facebook page where they could post and share content privately with each other. People with shared interests created and joined these groups and some have grown to be well over 1 million members. 

Facebook groups are still popular to this day so there is no reason you can’t get on there and start networking with like minded people today! 

2. Meetup events

Meetup is an online platform that helps link people with shared interests. It is similar to any online forum only it promotes everyone to meet in person. Although there is an opportunity for virtual events also.

Some people may feel intimidated by this but having the opportunity to meet with people face to face should not be undervalued. Especially in today’s world of zoom calls and video conferencing. Face-to-face interactions help you read body language and nurture deeper connections with others. Leading to a more fulfilled experience.

Meetup offers users from all backgrounds the opportunity to meet and find like minded people, as they have groups ranging from fishing to language learning for beginners.

Something for all.

3. Volunteering

Volunteering is one of the most rewarding experiences you can do.

Giving up your most valuable asset (time) to help others is something everyone should experience in their lives. Not only will it give you a deep sense of fulfilment that money can’t buy, but you also get to meet new and like minded people.

Everyone is there sharing a common goal that they choose to be there for. What could be a more meaningful experience than that?

4. Blogs

Blogs have been around since the early 90’s. The only difference in today’s world is that accessing these blogs has never been easier, and there are now millions of them!

In 2021 alone there were an estimated 600 million blogs in existence.

But how can you find like minded people from a blog?


Think of a topic that you are fascinated about or a subject that you have a real interest in. It could even be a hobby. We’ll take this blog as an example. Here I talk mainly about self-improvement topics along with other related topics such as making money online and lifestyle content.

If someone comes across my blog and really likes the content I push out then they could reach out to me directly. 

I think this is a great way to connect with like minded people because you’re connecting with people who have a deep-rooted interest in topics you clearly find very interesting also. Think of the conversations you could have with them. All it takes is some courage to reach out to these bloggers and build authentic connections.

5. Online Forums

When you hear the word online forums you may have a negative view of them. The mainstream media always have headline stories claiming that online forums are home to weirdos who just want to chat to underage girls or boys.

Unfortunately, things like this still do happen in today’s world and the weirdos still manage to find their way onto online platforms. That’s why it’s important to always be careful if you are meeting people from online in the real world. Use your common sense and avoid meeting in a secluded area. 

But on the whole, online forums are another great tool for finding like minded individuals. There are millions of people chatting right now about a topic that you are passionate about. Why not join the conversation and add your point of view?

I use Reddit and Quora which are two mainstream platforms, so they are usually good places to start. There are plenty of niche forums out there also. Just type into google something along the lines of ‘Gaming forum’ (or whatever you’re into). There will surely be an endless supply of options to choose from. 

6. Food Friends

When I thought of the question ‘How to find like minded individuals?’ I never imagined that there would be a viable option out there to connect with strangers over some food. Apart from going on a date. But it seems that I was totally wrong.

Supper clubs are a thing and I’m only finding out about them recently. A supper club is somewhere people go to connect with each other over some food, drink and usually a bit of entertainment. Eatwith seems like a pretty good place to start with finding some local supper clubs. 

7. Talk To A Stranger

Have you ever struck up a conversation with a stranger?

This can seem really scary and daunting but when you think about it, it could be one of the best ways to meet like minded people. Just hear me out on this one.

Back in the day when there was no internet, this method was probably one of the only real ways of meeting like minded people. Unless you suffer from debilitating social anxiety, having face-to-face conversations with real people is the best way of truly fostering relationships with others. We’ve done it for thousands of years and it’s done alright for us thus far.

Leading psychologist Gillian Sanstrom believes that talking to strangers actually strengthens our mental health and enriches our lives.

Wherever people congregate together, there is usually a shared interest already, whether it’s a church, a pub, or an art museum. So this is when you can take your opportunity. 

8. Start a Group Yourself

If you have a passion for something then the chances are that others do too. 

If you can’t find any group activities that involve one of your passions (although highly unlikely) then maybe it’s time you start your own group.

Create a Facebook page and share it amongst your social circles. Put the group on popular event websites such as Meetup and Eventbrite. As others find your group they will come in their droves, bringing a sense of community.

9. Sport

Sport is one of the biggest social engagements that people can be involved in. And the good news is that there are thousands of sports to get involved in so there is always something for somebody.

If you happen to play a team sport, such as football, then all you need to do is search on google “Football teams in [local area]”. This will bring up a wide range of options for you to choose from. Then contact the person in charge to find out when training takes place.

Popular sports like football are not the only sports available to you either. Use your imagination and research all the different types of sports you could potentially get involved in. This is a great approach for people who do not view themselves as very sporty.

You will be surprised at what you may find as there are so many choices. I have listed a few options that you might not have thought about yourself.

  • Bowling
  • Pool
  • Indoor Climbing
  • Fencing
  • Archery
  • Squash
  • Thousands more!

10. Events and Conferences

Events and conferences are a breeding ground for like minded people. They are a place where people with similar interests like to congregate, do business and share ideas. Some of these conferences are absolutely huge with thousands of people attending them every year.

A lot of the big conferences are related to businesses such as the financial services industry and tech industry. Although, more social events such as the San Diego Comic-Con have seen numbers reach around 130,000 people in recent years.

Imagine going to an event about something that you are deeply passionate about and meeting thousands of others who share the same passion.

11. Share Your Experiences

Sharing your experiences is a very organic and natural way to find like minded people. With the online world being so dominant in people’s lives these days, people have started to share their experiences online in the form of blogs or social media channels.

You see nowadays there is a blog or YouTube channel for practically anything and they gain some serious traction. When this happens people can not only create that sense of community with their audience, but they can then monetise their brands as a result. Meaning they quite literally make money from their passions.

I see this as more than enough reason to start sharing!

If you want to learn more about these kinds of topics then please check out my blog which has tons of free content on self-improvement, making more money online and general lifestyle. I’m super passionate about these topics and I have experiences that I want to share so you can be helped along your journey also.

You can also join my email list here where you can receive bonus material that I only share with my subscribers.

Thanks for reading!