Morning Routines, modelling successful habits


It’s time to get up for your days work and you’ve already snoozed your alarm 5 times. You wake up in a daze and feel the cold draft coming from under your bedroom door which keeps you from leaving your warm
 cozy bed. The thought of having to get up into the cold dark room and get ready for the dreaded days work ahead is keeping you in bed. You finally get up and already you know that your running late which sends you into a frenzy.
You half shower yourself and skip breakfast as you never have TIME to get up and enjoy a nutritious breakfast. If this sounds like a typical morning for you then you are setting yourself up for FAILURE in life.
Successful people do not start their day by waking up 20 minutes before they 
have to go about their busy schedule. This simply does not happen.
Doing this is a sure way of always being ran by your day instead of your running your day!

Changing habits

Imagine this; You wake up before your alarm has even went off. You feel well rested and hydrated. You get up out of bed without hesitation and start your morning with some guided mediation (head space app).

Meditation helps you focus on yourself and help’s eliminate distract-
ions in your life. Ten minutes go by and your mind is in a calm state. You drink some cool refreshing water and begin your morning workout. You prefer
 to exercise in the morning because after a days work your not feeling as energised.  Your morning workout has given your more energy and you are euphoric from the endorphins.  
You sit down with a crystal clear mindset ready to plan your day and week ahead which increases your productivity, you know what direction to take for your side business to become a success.  You finish off your morning routine with a healthy breakfast or smoothie.  Any problems that may come your way will not penetrate the solid mindset you have created for yourself.

Anyone can create a morning routine

Anybody can create a morning routine.  It will require discipline but it is easier than you think.  The key purpose of a morning routine is to prime your mind and body for whatever the day throws at you, as well as allowing you to perform at a high level throughout the day.

Common morning routines include:

  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Some form of exercise
  • Meditation or some sort of mindful practice
  • Planning
  • Reading
  • Doing productive tasks (work)

Including these into your morning routine won’t require major effort and if one at a time is implemented it can make the transition into a morning routine smoother.

There are countless different variations when it comes to a morning routine.  That’s the beauty of it.  You choose what routines you love and want!

To help you get started with choosing an empowering morning routine check out Morning Ritual Mastery.  It’s a course which is taught by internet millionaire Stefan James.  He is a huge believer in morning routines and his course is perfect for anyone who wants to start implementing successful habits.

Also I would recommend the book ‘The Miracle Morning‘ by Hal Elrod.  It gives you step by step information how you can create the best morning routine for yourself.  I have read this book myself and I can’t recommend it enough.

Hopefully you now know the benefits of a morning routine and why you should start one yourself a soon as possible.

