Productivity Planner Review

Productivity Planner

The Productivity Planner is a weekly and daily planner designed by Intelligent change.  Intelligent change also have another product

called The Five Minute Journal.  Intelligent change co-founded by Alex Ikonn who is an entrepreneur from Canada who lives in London with his wife Mimi and daughter Alexa.  Check out both of their YouTube channels as they always put out quality content.

Click here for Alex’s channel

Click here for Mimi’s channel


Weekly Planning

Productivity Planner starts off with what your goals for the week are, these are split into THREE main categories; Five most important tasks of the week, Tasks of secondary importance and Additional tasks.  With an extra section at the bottom of the page which allows you to state what commitment you will make this week to become more productive.  Using the weekly section allows for concise planning, as well as allowing you to prioritise your work.

Daily Planning

Daily planning section of the productivity planner is what makes it unique.  At the top of every page there will be some sort of inspiring quote (who doesn’t love a quote these days).

Similar to the weekly section there will be three sections; Most important task of the day, Secondary tasks of importance and additional tasks.  Room for extra notes at the bottom of the page is also available, as well as a productivity score from 1-10 which you use to assess yourself.  Another cool feature of the planner is that it allows you to set target times for you to complete your tasks.

A method used is the Pomodoro Technique which basically allows users to measure task time using 25 minute intervals with a 5 minute break.

This time limit isn’t suited for everyone so adjustments can be made depending how long you wish each interval to be.

Productivity planner doesn’t have a huge amount of space for writing which is why people must be clear and concise with tasks.  This may not suit some everyone but it forces you to write things down in a more efficient way, leading to less time wasting.

Weekly Review

Productivity Planner weekly review is probably the most important but underrated section.  Most people want to write down tasks and tick them off so they can move onto the next batch of tasks.  This should be done but I think it is also good to review each week as it can help with progress and improvement for future weeks.

The weekly review section is split into four sections; Weekly wins, What tasks were not completed last week?, What have you learned this week?, and Next week.

Having a serious review of a hectic week consisting of tasks and to-do’s will greatly benefit anyone, especially with the tasks that weren’t completed.  This short time for reflection can set you up nicely for the next week of planning.


Overall the productivity planner is a unique piece of kit and is fantastic to use and utilise for anybody wanting to complete projects, assignments or even day to day tasks.  Due to the limited space it has for writing it is probably best to have the planner along with a notepad, this is for people who simply cannot condense their tasks down to a suitable size.

Although if you can’t explain a task simply then it probably is too complicated and should be reassessed.

For a video demonstration of the Productivity Planner in use then click the link here.  Video was filmed by Alex Ikonn and is very informative and visual.

If you liked the review and want to grab a copy of the Productivity Planner then CLICK HERE.

Thanks for reading the review, I use the productivity planner myself and find it very useful.

