The Power of Time Blocking

Have you ever heard of the term ‘Time Blocking’?

Time blocking is a time management method that requires you to set aside blocks of time for one specific task.  This way of working can be seen as the opposite of multi-tasking in a way.  One task and one task only should be the main focus.

Time blocking has been used by many and there has been a plethora of benefits attributed to using it.  Elon Musk and Bill Gates have openly talked about the benefits of using time blocking. 

I suppose taking advice from two billionaires couldn’t hurt?

To-do lists are still a popular productivity method and I personally use them every day to help me stick to tasks.  Time blocking takes your average to-do list and transforms it into a productivity prizefighting tool.

So you now have a basic understanding of this life-changing productivity method.  Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how you can use time blocking for your own use, so you can smash your goals completely.

Using Time Blocking

In Cal Newport’s book, Deep Work, he talks about time blocking and how he uses it to get ‘deep work’ done.  You see, time blocking allows you to focus on one particular task in a very intensive way.  Having complete focus on one singular task will increase the chances of you producing a higher quality outcome.

In the usual scenario, people will be frantically focusing their attention from one task to another, which results in a drop in the quality of work produced.  Also known as multi-tasking.

There are a select few who can multi-task, but even these people would still benefit from time blocking, as studies show that multi-tasking is nowhere near as effective.

There is another great book by Gary Keller, The One Thing, which compliments what Cal writes about.  Gary explains that focusing on one thing at a time can sky-rocket your productivity as well as significantly reduce distractions. 

“The common man is not concerned about the passage of time, the man of talent is driven by it.”

– Arthur Schopenhauer

To get you started, you want to create a list of all the things that you need to get done in the next week.  

Then you get these tasks and put them into categories depending on priority.

Allocating your work to a level of priority is important and shouldn’t be taken lightly.  Doing this right will mean that you are allocating the appropriate length of time to complete these tasks.

However, should you overestimate then don’t panic.  The thing about time blocking is that it can be adaptable to your schedule.  That is the beauty of it.  You can have an ultra structured day but it is not rigid, it can change to suit you on a day-to-day basis if needed.

Although, I would suggest not changing it too much in case you end up slipping back into the multi-tasking mindset.

I believe that it is important that you do your best to stick to these times where possible.  I say this because people usually waste so much time throughout the day checking emails and having impromptu meetings with their colleagues.

Yes, you might have an urgent request come in that needs your immediate attention, but how often do they occur?  And when they do, it’s not like you have to respond that very second or else the whole world will explode.

Well hopefully.

Unless you work for NASA or something, but why would someone from NASA be reading a blog online from an average joe such as myself?

Anyway, you get the idea.

The benefits of time blocking

For one, it helps you to stay on track and keep focused on your goals. Additionally, time blocking can help increase your productivity, as well as improve your time management skills.

Finally, by scheduling regular time blocks for certain activities, you can better manage your stress levels and avoid burnout. All of these factors combined make time blocking an essential tool for anyone looking to improve their time management skills.

While the benefits of time blocking are clear, it can be difficult to implement this strategy into your daily routine. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Set realistic goals for each time block. Don’t try to accomplish too much in one sitting, or you’ll only end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed


  • Make sure to schedule breaks between time blocks. This will help you avoid burnout and stay fresh throughout the day.


  • Use a timer to keep yourself on track. Having a visual representation of how much time you have left can be helpful in keeping you focused.


  • Be flexible with your time blocks. If one task is taking longer than you anticipated, don’t be afraid to adjust your schedule accordingly.


  • Most importantly, stick to it! Time blocking can be difficult to get used to, but the more you do it, the easier it will become.

Tips for sticking to your time blocking schedule

  1. Get organized and plan ahead. Having a clear idea of what you need to do and when you need to do it will help you stay on track.
  2. Make sure to schedule breaks between time blocks. This will help you avoid burnout and stay fresh throughout the day.
  3. Use a timer to keep yourself on track. This can be a physical timer or an app on your phone.
  4. Be flexible with your time blocks. If one task is taking longer than you anticipated, don’t be afraid to adjust your schedule accordingly.
  5. Most importantly, stick to it! Time blocking can be difficult to get used to, but if you stick with it, you’ll see the benefits in terms of increased productivity.

The best tools and resources for time blocking

If you’re looking for the best tools and resources for time blocking, look no further. Here are my top picks:


This app is perfect for tracking your time blocks. Simply create a project, set a timer, and start working. Once you’re done, you can see how much time you spent on each task.


RescueTime runs in the background of your computer and tracks how you’re spending your time. It’s great for getting an overview of where your time goes, and it can help you identify areas where you could be more productive.


Note-taking apps like Evernote are perfect for keeping track of your time blocks. You can create a notebook for each project, and then add notes for each time block. This way, you can easily refer back to your time blocks and see what you accomplished.


My personal favourite, Trello is a project management tool that is perfect for keeping track of your time blocks. You can create a board for each project, and then add cards for each time block. This way, you can easily see what tasks you need to complete and when you need to complete them.

Google Calendar

Calendar apps can also be great for keeping track of your time blocks. You can create an event for each time block, and then add details about what you need to do. This way, you can easily see when you need to work on each task.


TimeCamp is a time tracking tool that is useful for keeping track of your time blocks. You can create a project for each task, and then add time blocks for each task. This way, you can easily see how much time you need to spend on each task.

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