how to improve your mindset

How to Improve Your Mindset – 7 Methods

So You Want to Find Out How to Improve Your Mindset?

I don’t want this post to be another shallow whish-washy post on how to improve your mindset using dated and predictable methods.

Things like ‘Eat healthily’ and ‘Exercise regularly’ are things that we should be trying to strive for anyway, so I’m not sure they belong in this type of post. If you’re not doing some form of exercise and your diet consists of oven chips and battered chicken then I think you need to sort that out before learning how to improve your mindset.

Is it really that hard to eat some veg and move your body more? Sometimes that’s all people really need to make a huge difference in their lives.

So let’s get into it – Here are 7 methods on how to improve your mindset.

how to improve your mindset

Watch Out for Subtle Negative Self Talk

When it comes to negativity and wanting to know how to improve your mindset, subtle negative talk can be extremely detrimental. Mainly because, well, it’s subtle and hard to notice.

You won’t even notice you’re doing it so you need to open up your awareness to it first before you can even attempt to try and fix it. If I give you a few examples you can get an idea of what I mean.

Imagine you’re walking down the street and you see someone driving the car of your dreams. Let’s say it’s a Ferrari. Obviously, this car is ridiculously expensive and only a small percent of the population could afford this car, therefore even the thought of potentially owning it is so out of reach that you say to yourself ‘I could NEVER afford that car’.

Notice I put an emphasis on NEVER, this is important. You don’t realise how powerful your words are, especially when you’re saying them to yourself. When you say that you will never be able to afford something then you’re already putting it so out of reach that it’s going to seem impossible to attain.

When in reality, it is only in your current circumstance that cannot attain it. 

So instead of saying ‘I could NEVER afford that’, try changing it to something more positive, like ‘I cannot afford that YET’.

See the difference?

It may seem silly, and it may even feel silly but trust me when you get into the habit of doing it time and time again it will be ingrained in you. 

So what’s the point of doing it?

You’re slowly changing that subtle negative talk into a more positive and optimistic outlook. When you mix positivity and optimism something amazing happens, you start believing things are possible even though you always thought they were impossible.

Even if you don’t fully believe in the words you’re saying, that’s ok. Over time you will start to believe them more and more until it is second nature to you. Look out for the negative self-talk you currently tell yourself and find a way to spin it into a more positive outlook.

This simple technique is easy to apply and its effect cannot be underestimated. This article from Healthline goes into great detail about the power of positive self-talk. 

Positive self-talk is the antidote to subtle negative talk. 

how to improve your mindset

Break Out the Tactical Cheese Every Once in A While

If you have any sort of interest in self-improvement then you will have noticed that 90% of the content out there is total cringe and cheese.

Okay maybe 90% is exaggerating, but a lot of it anyway.

The funny thing is though that most of the content out there does offer immense value when it comes to the topic of learning how to improve your mindset. It’s just hard to see it sometimes when all you see is someone being a total cringe ball and spouting absolute drivel (unlike me of course).

What I find useful is to introduce a bit of cheese into your life every once in a while.

This is a method I have coined as ‘The Tactical Cheese’.

Overindulging in cheesy content is going to lessen the effect this method has on improving your mood and overall mindset.

Whenever I go through spells of feeling a bit off or maybe just lacking that spark to get going and really knuckle down to do some work, I break out the tactical cheddar!

I’ll find some 5-minute motivation videos on YouTube or listen to great motivational speakers such as Tony Robbins, Simon Sinek, Gary Vee, Stefan James, etc. 

After listening I’ll usually have a burst of motivation and feel ready to take on any challenge the day has in store for me. Although, this endorphin rush usually wears off pretty quickly. The positive thing though is that it gets me feeling refreshed and remotivated which gives me an opportunity to get back into good habits and routine.

I’m not saying use this method every time you go through a bad patch or don’t feel yourself. That would probably be overdoing it.

Use it conservatively and keep it locked and ready in your mindset arsenal for those rainy days.

how to improve your mindset

Connect with People Outside of Your Normal Circle

I wrote a post recently about 11 methods that can be used to find like-minded people.

I mention this because I’m a massive advocate of meeting like-minded people, especially if they are from outside your usual circle of friends. One of the fastest ways you can learn how to improve your mindset is by meeting others who have also improved theirs.

Making meaningful connections with people that share our interests has immense benefits to our overall well-being. Not only do we feel a sense of belonging by being able to interact with individuals who understand our passions, but we are also able to learn from their experiences and use them as motivation towards achieving our own goals.

We can grow both personally and professionally this way, allowing us to reach heights that would’ve been difficult if we weren’t surrounded by like-minded people.

At times, sharing our ideas and dreams with supportive individuals can help affirm them too, providing an extra push in the right direction when it comes to making decisions.

Connecting with other individuals who value the same things can be hugely rewarding on many different levels – trust is built more rapidly, collaboration becomes easier and even professional development opportunities can open up.

I have seen this happen firsthand with others and myself. Meeting individuals who aspire to the same goals and ambitions as you can put your mindset into a space that you never even thought was possible.

I’m not going to lie, learning how to improve your mindset can be a difficult task but having the right people around you can make it that bit easier. 

how to improve your mindset

Find a 'Passion' Project

Passion is a strange word to me.

Especially when you try and associate it with your work. I always thought that if you were passionate about doing something then it meant that you enjoyed every minute of doing it.

So in my mind, I thought only the likes of footballers and pop stars were truly passionate about their work.

Then I realised something profound.

When you look up the word passion in the dictionary, there is no mention of the word ‘enjoyment’ in its description. It mentions instead that passion is a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept.

I realised that you didn’t have to love every minute of doing something to truly be passionate about it. A level of interest is required of course, but you must face the same emotions as others face such as doubt, fear, and procrastination. The difference is your devotion and also your discipline.

So what has a passion project got to do with how to improve your mindset?

Finding something you’re passionate about and turning it into some sort of project, can help you build up your discipline.

Working on this project and growing it every day will require, time, devotion, and discipline.

Discipline is one of the key ingredients you will need to succeed in learning how to improve your mindset.

So find something you’re interested in and find a way to turn it into some sort of project. I used the exact same formula when creating this website.

I knew I was a decent writer so I created this blog and started publishing content. 40+ posts later and I’m still doing it.


It’s because it’s my passion and I want to improve as a writer as much as possible.

My discipline and work ethic have dramatically improved ever since publishing my first article, and the opportunities that have come my way as a result have been life-changing.

So never underestimate the power passion has when it comes to the subject of how to improve your mindset.

how to improve your mindset

Test Your Limits and Make it a Habit

If you really want to know how to improve your mindset at a rapid rate, then testing your limits is definitely at the top of the list.

Testing your limits can help you to get out of your comfort zone and really challenge yourself. Doing things that might seem scary or intimidating can foster a mindset of resilience, which will make it easier to deal with future challenges.

It could be something simple like taking a different route home from work to break up your routine, or maybe daring to take a leap and try something completely new like camping in the forest or taking up a sport like rock climbing.

Whatever it is, pushing yourself outside of your limits will help you grow stronger mentally and emotionally. Don’t be afraid to push the boundaries if only slightly – you may find yourself surprised by what you are capable of!

how to improve your mindset

Make Time For Yourself

Study your current schedule and spot where you’re truly finding time for yourself. Most peoples day might look something along the lines of this:

  • Wake up.
  • Go to Work.
  • Come home, eat dinner and watch TV.
  • Sleep.
  • Repeat.

I’m sorry to say but if this is what your typical day looks like then you’re really not taking any time for yourself. You might think watching TV equates to quality alone time, but it doesn’t.

I love watching a TV series as much as the next person but watching hours upon hours of TV at a time makes you tired and lethargic, allowing you to slip into bad habits such as eating junk and being lazy. Habits that destroy any chance of executing what you have learned about how to improve your mindset.

Making time for yourself is important for your mental and emotional well-being. Regularly taking the time to just enjoy life, focus on yourself, and engage in activities that bring you joy can make a huge difference when figuring out how to improve your mindset.

Spending even just 15 minutes a day engaged in something completely for yourself – whether it’s reading a book, doing yoga, or going for a walk – can make you more mindful of daily stressors and help you better cope with them when they arise. Taking the extra step to schedule personal time allows you to cultivate gratitude for those moments of pleasure and peace in your otherwise hectic day.

There’s no need to feel guilty about scheduling these important self-care moments – focusing on yourself is an essential part of being able to live fully and happily!

how to improve your mindset

Implement What you Learn

When it comes to how to improve your mindset, simply reading about changes you should make isn’t going to cut it. That’s where implementation comes into play.

It can be tough to actually do the work and put the change into action, but once implemented it is an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only that, but taking the information you’ve read and putting it into practice will help solidify the knowledge in your brain so that you are more likely to remember what you have learned and apply that knowledge in other areas of life.

So if you want to truly change your mindset and see real improvement, take into consideration what you learn and seek out opportunities to put those new skills into action.

Use this blog post as an example. I have given you 7 methods that you can start to implement into your life right away.

Certain methods may suit some people more than others, but I encourage you to try all of them. You never know the opportunities that can come your way when you put yourself out there.

Be brave and don’t give a f*ck what others think.

Because I bet you deep down they wish they had the courage to take the steps you took also.

Are You Confident You Now Know How to Improve Your Mindset?

I hope you enjoyed this blog post on how to improve your mindset.

If you want to learn more about these kinds of topics then please check out my blog which has tons of free content on improving your mind, finances, and overall well-being. I’m super passionate about helping others succeed and I have experiences that I want to share so you can gain value from them.

You can also join my email list here where you can receive bonus material that I only share with my subscribers.

Thanks for reading!

1 thought on “How to Improve Your Mindset – 7 Methods”

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